Course Introduction
Do you feel stuck in a cycle of negative thinking? Bad habits are holding you back? Unsure of how to change your life direction?
This course is designed to help you change the way you think and take actions to create a happier life for you. Your thoughts control how you feel and this in turn determines everything you do.
Taking time to reflect and reinstate positive affirmations will unlock happiness, boost your confidence and find a sense of inner calm. By the time you have completed this course you will have developed the skills to reflect, retrain you thought process, identified your purpose in life. This will give you the ability to conquer personal and professional goals
The course is guaranteed to keep you engaged, focused and teach you life changing skills for home and work.
Who is this course for
This FREE course is for anyone interesting in making the most of their lives.No previous requirements or experience is needed
This course is for you if you:
- Feel you are not in control of your life
- Lacking in self-belief, self esteem
- Looking to become more optimistic and generally content
- Want to make an impactful change in your life
Course Overview
What you will gain by doing this course (overall performance objectives):
- Finding the best you in you
- Learn practical tools and techniques to lead a more positive life
- Plan & prepare for positive changes, growth and success.
- Learn how to meditate
- Identify what motivates you, in other words – defining your purpose
- Understand the uniqueness of values and list those that are personal to you
- Take back control of your life
Course Delivery
This course is a self-paced course delivered as a series of videos, presentations and links to other valuable content. The resources to support this course have been carefully curated by the course facilitators. Central to this personal development course is a reflection journal designed to help you on your learning journey. The journal directly related to each module on the course – your course companion.
Course Facilitators
Frances Doyle
Vicki Kelly